Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

contoh adjective clause

Adjective clause
an adjective clause must have s subject and a verb. it begins with a relative pronoun (who.whose,that or which) or a relative adverb (when,where,or why) .
1. Which 
The book is Yola’s. it has many scratch.
The book which has many scratch is Yola’s
2. Who 
 Nina wears lipstick. She looks funny
Nina wears lipstick who looks funny
 3. Whom
 The man was Mr. Fredy. I visit him
The man whom I visit was Mr.Fredy
4. Which 
The fish is beautiful. It is on the aquarium
The fish which is on the aquarium is beautiful
5. Whose
the famer has black skin. He is my neighbour
the famer whose skin is black is my neighbour
 6. Who
 I know the girl. She is duplicating key
I know the girl who is duplicating key
7. Whom
The boyband was super junior. I like us
The boyband whom I like was super junior
8. Which 
I have a extracurricular. It begins at 14.00 am
I have a extracurricular which begins at 14.00 am
9. Whose
 I peevish the man. His bad character
 I peevish the man whose bad character
 I like art. It high imagination
 I like art which high imagination


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